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Marriage Proposals

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Wedding Ordination

2) What about alterations?
Gowns are fitted for alterations in the store and performed by professional seamstresses with extensive experience altering wedding gowns. You will most likely need at least three fittings. The alteration fee is determined by the seamstress, evaluated on a case by case basis, and not included in the gown purchase price. March through September find the seamstresses fairly busy, so please leave at least 6-8 weeks for alterations.

Party Co-Ordination

3) Do I need to make an appointment?
We ask that you make an appointment, especially on the weekends, so that a dressing room is ensured as well as the full attention of our sales consultant. Each appointment is 1 hour to give you ample time to find the perfect dress.

Our team of professional stylists have thousands of gowns in stock to select from and find the perfect gown of your dreams. As the largest in the Midwest, Bridal Elegance is a "one-stop shop" for all your wedding, prom and pageant needs.

We even offer "first day deals" to help the bride and her entire bridal party. If the bride purchases her gown from us on her first visit, she and her entire bridal party receive discounts on select items.

We carry bridal gowns in stock from size 0-34, and even feature a private stage with viewing mirror for the modest bride. Our gowns range from $200 to $7,000, so we definitely can find your perfect gown. Our stylists can guide you to the best gown to fit your body and budget.

About  Our Company

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